Datrin (Raven) Dir. Douglas Joe, 2024, Yukon, 5 MIN
Datrin is a fictional story that imagines a world where there is only one last fluent speaker of the Gwitch’n language. The short depicts a morning in her life of and the speaker's language reality and her hope for the future. In Gwich'in with English subtitles.
Canoe Connections Dir. Reeva Billy, 2023, CA, 7 MIN
For the Canoe Cultures program in Vancouver Canada, an Indigenous-lead non-profit carving centre, Mike Billy Sr. and Jr. are an example of the transference of knowledge from one generation of Squamish Nation War Canoe builder to the next. In this short film they both share their experiences of passing and receiving the torch and the future they imagine that keeping this legacy alive can bring.
Voices of Thunder Dir. James Qitsualik, William Aglukkag, Saskia De Wildt, 2023, Nunavut, Canada, 15 MIN
A community-created animated graphic documentary, in which Inuit hunters and elders from the community of Gjoa Haven share how they have been impacted by polar bear management policies in their region over the past two decades. In Inuktitut with English subtitles.
Irninnu Unikaara DIR. IPEELIE OOTOOVA, 2023, NUNAVUT | 12 MIN | Drama
A young Inuk finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant, which triggers old trauma and leads him to go caribou hunting. In Inuktitut with English subtitles.
Mi’kma’ki: Gwitna’q (Land of the Mi'kmaw: Travel by Canoe) Dir. Wendell G. Collie, NL, Canada, 2022, 22 MIN
For the Mi’Kmaq community of Miawpukek First Nation, reviving the tradition of Birch Bark Canoe building becomes a way to connect to the past and ensure cultural survival.