Set along the backdrop of the great Monarch butterfly migration, Butterfly Tale is a heartwarming adventure about a gutsy and loveable one-winged butterfly named Patrick, who stows away in a milkweed trailer for a journey of a lifetime. With his best friend, a goofy caterpillar named Marty, and Jennifer, a butterfly who is afraid of heights, Patrick must face his fears, embrace his uniqueness, and triumph over adversity while battling changing weather patterns, humans, and three evil birds bent on revenge. Starring the voice talents of Tatiana Maslany (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law) and Mena Massoud (Aladdin), this is a. humorous tale of unlikely friendship, adventure, and self- realization, showing that our differences are less important than the bonds we share – AIFF.
Content advisory: instances of bullying, death of a parent, some frightening scenes with threatening birds. Recommended for ages 6+