Introduction to DSLR cameras event image

Introduction to DSLR cameras

This event took place on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013 at 7:00 pmYukon Film Society

Covering the principals of shooting video with DSLR cameras. Tuesday Oct 15, 6 to 9pm: will focus on the theory and application of the basic settings e.g. focus, exposure, shutter speed, aperture, ISO. We will also look at how best to record sound with your DSLR. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to shoot their own footage and play it back on a big screen for group analysis. Wednesday Oct 16, 6 to 9pm: will take a more in-depth look at camera settings. The evening will finish with how to manage, compress and prepare your footage for an edit. What to bring: A DSLR camera and lens(es) if you have them. Don’t worry if you don’t, we will have an instructors model for you to use.

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