Introduction to Shooting Video event image

Introduction to Shooting Video

This event took place on Thursday, Aug. 3, 2017 at 7:00 pm212 Lambert St.

Using a mix of demonstration and lecture, this session will introduce participants to the key concepts you need to know in order to properly operate a camera for the purposes of capturing video. This workshop will provide information that you can use in the operation of almost any modern video camera or video-capable still camera/device. Highly recommended for anyone who is starting out in video, or who struggles with the results of their footage. This is a good primer for those who want to get serious about video, but will also be helpful for hobbyists. Using a mix of demonstration and lecture, this session will introduce participants to the key concepts you need to know in order to properly operate a camera for the purposes of capturing video. WORKSHOP DELAYED TO AUGUST 3rd, 2017.

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