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Develop your vision as a screen story-teller at the outline and script stage. In this workshop award-winning screenwriter and director Marie Clements discusses how she approached research and writing the scripts for her previous two projects: The Road Forward; a hybrid musical documentary and Red Snow, a thrilling drama written in four languages: English, Gwich'in, Inuvailuktun and Pashto. Marie will work with a small group of screenwriters and filmmakers to shape existing or early-stage outlines and give tips on developing a script that clearly tells readers and collaborators the film you want to make. This master class will be limited to eight participants who must apply for a spot. Fifty percent of the spots will be prioritized for Indigenous and diverse applicants. Four of the eight participants will be selected for an additional 45-minute private consultation with Marie the day following the master class. This workshop aims to build off of Screen Production Yukon Association’s emerging screenwriters workshop in November 2019 and attendees from that workshop are encouraged to apply to this master class. Please note this class is now full.