
Air North and YFS Partnership - Quarterly Draw for $500 off Air North Flight

January 5, 2023

The Yukon Film Society and Air North, Yukon’s Airline are excited to announce the unveiling of a new Quarterly Draw for the opportunity to win $500 off an Air North flight with the purchase of a ticket to any Yukon Theatre film screening. If you purchase a ticket, either online or in person, to any film screening at the Yukon Theatre, you will be entered into a quarterly draw to win a Gift Certificate for $500 off any Air North flight. The more tickets you purchase to screenings at the Yukon Theatre the more times you are entered into the draw.

The Quarterly Draws will take place on March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st of 2023. Draw prize winners will be contacted by email following each draw. 

This Quarterly Draw is made possible through the generous support of Air North, who are regular supporters of the Yukon Film Society, the Available Light Film Festival, and the Yukon Theatre. 

Please feel free to contact if you have any questions or require further information.

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