
Call for submissions: TALENT TO WATCH PROGRAM: - Recommendation Phase

January 3, 2019

This terrific first feature film program supports projects with a budget of up to $250,000. Telefilm has updated the program significantly this year and now offers 3 streams for funding under this program. Projects selected in this program are eligible for $125,000 in contribution financing. Under the Selective Stream, as the industry partner for the Yukon, the Yukon Film Society can recommend TWO feature film projects and ONE digital media narrative web series this year. There are two new streams that emerging filmmakers can apply to: Addition of the “Fast Track Stream”: Automatic financing will be given to projects directed by an emerging director having previously directed a short film that has won a prize at a selected film festival. Applicants to the Fast Track Stream should contact Telefilm before applying to the Program. Addition of the “Festival Selection Stream”: This new stream aims to support projects chosen among submitted films directed by an emerging director having previously directed a short film that was selected at a recognized film festival. Funding under this stream is not automatic. YFS invites YFS production members in good standing, who are a current Yukon resident, seeking a recommendation letter from YFS to forward a complete Recommendation Phase Application top sheet and submit all required materials, outlined in the Telefilm Canada guidelines, to YFS on or before Monday, Feb 18, 2019 at 5PM PST for review by a jury assembled by YFS. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU DOWNLOAD AND READ Telefilm’s updated guidelines PDF published on Dec 5, 2018 Click here for Telefilm’s website. Questions? Call Andrew Connors at yfs: 867-393-3456 To be eligible to apply, you must be a Canadian resident and the applicant must be a student or a recent graduate of a production program, or a recent member (within the last 2 years) of a media art cooperative, including YFS. Applicants must be a YFS Production Member in good standing at the time of submission. Membership renewal or purchase is $50 (January 31, 2020 expiry).

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Canada Council for the ArtsGovernment of YukonLotteries Yukon