Jenni House Studio
April 20, 2016
Are you looking for some production, studio, gallery, or exhibition space? YFS is now accepting proposals for a residency term at the Pioneer Hotel in Shipyards Park.
Our main requirement is that each artist does an ‘open studio' once during their residency. Could take any form you wish: doors open while you’re working for the public to see the interior and ask questions about your work, an art happening, screening or exhibition of a work. We will inquire about partnering with Fireweed Market to promote these events within their promo routes and within the market grounds. We also require the June Artist to participate in the Whitehorse Nuit Blanche happenings.
Interior space is 15’ x 15’ with hardwood or laminate flooring. There’s a wheelchair accessible washroom in one corner. Ceiling is vaulted. Walls are a combo of log and drywall. There is an alarm system. The shutters are locked with heavy brass key locks. We’re currently sorting out insurance coverage for the studio. There is power, no internet.
First paid-for Residency begins May 1st 2016, Possible Space during April could be arranged if willing to help with expenses.
Please send us a detailed proposal of you film/digital media/exhibition ideas to This is fantastic opportunity to generate some creative works in a unique space!