Become a Member
Now in its second year, Available Light On-Demand (ALD) is a strategic initiative intended to digitally distribute Yukon films and media art. This service gives films a new online home among other Yukon works on an on-demand platform available to audiences around the world. Available Light On-Demand is a space for building a filmmaker’s audience and demographics through analytics and exhibition opportunities and is designed to be a one-stop shop for diverse, artist-driven Yukon content.
The committee will meet via Skype or Zoom twice between August 2020 – April 2021, with additional discussion by email. Applications are encouraged from diverse communities as well as people living in Yukon communities outside of Whitehorse. The committee will ultimately choose 16-20 films of various lengths to be released on ALD from September 2020 to May 2021.
*Note about Qualifications – It is not a requirement for applicants to have programmed or curated film in the past. A sincere interest in programming and a willingness to learn are much more important.
This position will be paid an honoraria of $500.00, paid out in 2 installments of $250.00 (Schedule to be determined)
Please e-mail a brief letter of interest to by Midnight, August 14th.
If you have any questions, please e-mail