
Registration Open for Digital Bootcamp Yukon

September 10, 2014

Over the course of 3 days, participants will have the opportunity to work on their projects alongside digital consultant Sue Biely, interactive web developing genius Steve Lindenberg, and digital strategist Nicholas Klassen to bring interactive story telling ideas to life! Participants will be introduced to the basic principles of digital storytelling, review a range of existing projects, and chart out the process of conceptualizing, designing, and developing fiction and non-fiction interactive stories of their own. Participants can apply as individuals or as teams if you have several collaborators for the same project. (Discount for teams! See fees further). Instructors and facilitators: Sue Biely (Vancouver): Sue uses a flexible approach to designing learning experiences that includes interactive lectures, workshops, and one-on-one or group coaching. Methods grounded in generative research recognize participants as collaborators and creators. Sue feels it is her job to create the space and circumstances where students can express their innate creativity in response to specific questions or challenges. Her training is in systems thinking, design thinking and adaptive leadership which helps Sue to move her clients out of old ways of doing and thinking and into an adaptive future. Steve Lindenberg (Vancouver): Steve, better known as Berger, began his career as an interactive developer and continues to stretch his abilities in the coding world. Well versed in a multitude of technologies and mark-up languages, Berger brings interactive ideas to life and is happiest when solving interesting coding challenges. Nicholas Klassen (Vancouver): Nicholas is a Vancouver-based digital strategist and writer with over a decade of experience creating and producing online content for the social and cultural sector. He has been an interactive editor at the Digital Studio of the National Film Board, senior editor at Adbusters magazine, and has advised leading movement-building organizations like Greenpeace, WWF, and on a number of Webby-award winning and nominated projects. The workshop will be taking place: Thursday October 16th, 7pm (Public Lecture) Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (October 17, 18, 19) 9am-5pm (Workshop) Sign-Up Process: As this workshop will be limited to no more than 8 projects, we are asking interested candidates/teams to submit a brief application to be emailed to Zoë at, addressing the following elements: - Describe a concept for an interactive project that you wish to advance or are currently working on and need support - Describe up to three past creative projects you have collaborated on. Please use no more than 3 sentences per project! - Describe one or two interactive projects that have inspired your current thinking. Application Deadline: Monday September 29th, 5pm Applications will be reviewed by a Board Committee and successful applicants will be notified in early October. Workshop Fee (includes public lecture): Individuals: $195 YFS Production Members $215 Regular Teams of two or more: $115/person - YFS Production Members $135/person - Regular fee To register of for more information contact Zoë, 393-3456,

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