
Telefilm Micro-budget Program - Call for Applications Deadline extended!

December 7, 2016

Telefilm Canada Micro-Budget Production Program: Yukon Film Society Recommendation Phase Application Extended Submission deadline: Friday, January 27, 2017 before 4:30pm PST Program Summary The Micro-Budget Production Program - Funding of Micro-Budget Feature Films from Emerging Filmmakers (the “Program”) aims to provide financing to emerging filmmakers (i.e. producers, directors, writers) for the development, production, distribution and promotion of a first feature length film or web series. Projects can be documentary or fiction. How to apply? Submit your application to the YFS by Friday, January 27, 2017. As YFS is an Industry Partner of Telefilm Canada, the applications will then be reviewed by a jury assembled by YFS who will recommend one feature film project and one web series project to Telefilm for consideration in their funding program (approx. 30 recommendations are made by Telefilm partners and 6 to 8 projects receive funding). Contact Andrew Connors a copy of the application document: Applicants whose projects have been recommended by industry partners and have been determined eligible by Telefilm to proceed to the application stage must apply through eTelefilm using an incorporated company. The onus is on the applicant to complete the application process and provide any supporting documents required by Telefilm. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The applicant’s inability to provide supporting documentation will result in the application being removed from the evaluation process. The Guidelines and FAQ are available on Telefilm’s website. There are changes to this year's MBP, including supporting interactive projects. It is highly recommended applicants read the guidelines. As of 2016, the definition of eligible projects has been extended to include, in addition to feature films, digital short-form content of under 75 minutes in length. Note that for these types of projects, Telefilm’s contribution will be prorated based on the total length of the project. As before, all projects must be intended for digital distribution; Telefilm’s maximum contribution amount for a web project has been revised to $127,500 for web-projects of more than 75 minutes; This Program intends to: Encourage and support emerging Canadian filmmakers; stimulate the use of new digital distribution platforms and increase audience access to the works of new Canadian talent; Encourage innovation and creativity at all stages of the development, production, distribution and promotion processes; Help applicants build their portfolios. In addition, the Aboriginal and OLMC components of this Program aim to: Increase support and visibility for Aboriginal and OLMC creators; Increase the public’s access to Aboriginal and OLMC content through innovative distribution channels. Questions? Call Andrew Connors or Andrew Seymour at yfs: 867-393-3456 To be eligible to apply, you must be a Canadian resident and the applicant must be a student or a recent graduate of a production program, or a recent member (within last 2 years) of a media art cooperative, including YFS. Applicants must be a YFS Production Member in good standing at the time of submission. Membership renewal or purchase is $50 (January 31, 2018 expiry). PROGRAM UPDATES Micro-Budget Production Program - 2017-18 Here is an overview of the main changes for the 2016-2017 Micro-Budget program. · Telefilm will allow flexibility if partners wish to recommend producers who are not recent alumni or active members of their film cooperative. However, in all cases, producers must be emerging talent as defined in the Guidelines. · Please note that all projects supported through this Program must be closed-captioned and available in described video, regardless of the distribution platform. Sufficient funds must be reserved for these elements in the project’s production budget. · Partners must submit their recommendations using Telefilm’s on-line platform. All partners will be receiving a detailed “how to apply” email with detailed instructions. · All selected creative teams will be invited to attend a digital marketing bootcamp to be held in the Spring 2017 (details will communicated in February 2017) Please note that partners will submit their recommendations to Telefilm by February 17, 2017.

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