
View the YFS Film Catalogue Online!

March 4, 2020

The full list of films that are available to borrow from the YFS office is now available to view online! This database will be updated regularly as titles are acquired.

Click here to check out what we have!

DVD/BluRay Library
Guidelines for Film Lovers and Production Members

The Yukon Film Society offers free loan of DVDs and BluRays for private use of its members (Film Lovers and Production members). The Library now has 700 films and BluRays, in other words there’s enough variety for everybody!

Very simple rules to respect:

  1. You can borrow up to 2 films at a time.
  2. You can borrow the films for 2 weeks maximum.
  3. You can borrow an unlimited number of films during the year, take new ones as soon as you bring back the previously borrowed ones.
  4. During your first visit, one of the staff will sign you up on the Delicious Library on the computer, then you can sign out your films yourself or ask for some help if you prefer.
  5. We organized the films into 5 categories to ease your search:
  • Features
  • Documentaries
  • Short Films
  • Yukon Films
  • Series

 We have a drop-box at the entry of the office so that you can bring back your films even if we’re not here.

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