
YFS Job Opportunity - Technical/Communications Coordinator

June 24, 2014

YFS is recruiting a Technical/Communications Coordinator: Working under the supervision of the General Manager and Artistic Director, the Technical/Communications Coordinator’s main duties are to coordinate and co-manage the training/professional development activities of the Yukon Film Society and membership communications. Core responsibilities of the Technical/Communications Coordinator are as follows: I. Coordinate and manage the operations of YFS’ equipment rental services to its members: - Communicate and liaise with the public and members to answer or field inquiries about equipment rentals or technical issues - Schedule, assemble packages, sign out, receive, check and maintain rental equipment - Ensure the proper and accurate completion of the YFS Equipment Rental Agreement by renters - Prepare and send invoices to clients and provide a copy to the GM upon issuance - Maintain an accurate inventory of equipment - Report damaged/lost equipment to the GM - Recommend equipment or accessory purchases - Research new equipment, relevant technical trends for YFS’ services, and compatibility issues - Help the GM to prepare grant applications for equipment purchases - Perform other technical or production assistant tasks as assigned II. Co-manage workshop series in partnership with General Manager: - Assess the members’ needs, and keep track of the current media arts projects taking place in the community - Design workshop series - Seek funding, sponsorship or partnerships for the workshops, prepare Memorandum of Understanding if needed in conjunction with the GM - Promote the workshops - Register participants - Facilitate the workshops or seek for skilled trainers - Set-up workshops - Have the participants fill exit surveys - File workshop reports and thank partners and sponsors III. Manage YFS memberships and serve as liaison between Society and members: - Manage the member’s lists and ensure memberships are renewed and payments received - Drafting and sending weekly newsletters to the membership, pertaining to YFS activities - Help promote memberships and YFS services to the community - Provide creative and technical mentoring to YFS production members - Make suggestions or take initiatives on projects that could benefit the members IV. Assist senior staff in marketing projects: - Update website (exhibition and training activities) - Co-manage social media accounts with senior staff - Assist GM in community outreach V. Manage YFS Media Library: - Maintain an accurate inventory of DVD/Blu-Ray collection - Report on damaged/lost DVDs/Blu-Rays to the GM - Organize and maintain 16 mm film collection VI. Contribute to other Yukon Film Society programs and activities when working hours and budget permits. This includes but is not limited to technical support or projection for exhibition series such as Available Light Cinema, Available Light Film Festival (ALFF), and ALFF Media Industry Forum. VII. Contribute to YFS’ general operations by advising and reporting to senior staff for matters related to Board of Directors management. This will occasionally require attendance at Board meetings. Requirements: - Strong technical skills with expertise in YFS equipment and software (for detailed equipment list please visit - Proven ability to learn how to use audio/video equipment and software quickly - Proven ability to teach beginners and develop training programs in various aspects of media arts creation - Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills - Proficiency with Microsoft software (Word and Excel) and Mac computers - Good organizational skills - Proven ability to work both independently and as part of a team - Desire to take initiative on new projects - Post-Secondary education related to media art production an asset - Valid driver’s license an asset Salary: This is a permanent part-time position 48 weeks per year, 20 hours/week and two weeks paid vacation annually. Depending on successful applicant’s experience, remuneration can vary between $17-22/hour. How to apply: Please submit a cover letter addressing your qualifications with a resume and at least one letter of reference by Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 at 5:00 pm PST to For further information, please visit or call/email General Manager, Zoë Toupin, at 867-393-3456.

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