
Yukon Film Society Presents 21st Annual Available Light Film Festival Feb 9th-19th, and ALFF Industry Feb 7th-12th.

February 7, 2023

Whitehorse, Yukon – Yukon Film Society will present its 21st Available Light Film Festival, February 9th-19th, and ALFF Industry from February 7th-12th. Events are being held in-person at venues around Whitehorse as well as a schedule of online events. The full 2023 event schedule can be viewed on the Available Light Film Festival website at

The Available Light Film Festival is delighted to return to full capacity IN-PERSON screenings and events, accompanied by a selection of Online screenings and ALFF Industry panels and presentations. The 10-day festival will feature 100+ films, with in-cinema screenings and events at the Yukon Arts Centre, Old Fire Hall, and the Yukon Theatre. There will also be 15+ features and short films streaming Online for viewers in Yukon and Northwest Territories with some programming available across Canada. ALFF 2023 highlights Indigenous and Circumpolar cinema alongside Canadian and International films, guests, and exhibitions.

“We’re thrilled to expand this year’s festival to include more films and venues with the core of events taking place at the Yukon Cinema on Wood Street,” says Andrew Connors, Festival Director. “Our team is working hard to ensure we can offer not only the most screenings we’ve presented in the history of the festival, but also continued access to ALFF selected films on-line.”

2023 also sees ALFF Industry back in person with six exciting days of online session and live events at the Old Firehall, February 7th-12th. Designed for both emerging and established filmmakers, ALFF Industry will feature funder presentations, industry panels, one-on-ones with decision makers, and abundant networking opportunities. ALFF Industry wraps up on Feb. 12 with the popular ALFF Pitch Event, where filmmakers get the opportunity to pitch their projects to an industry jury for the chance to win over $12,000 in support to produce their film.


February 7

7:00-8:00 PM: Old Fire Hall, Independent Production Fund (IPF) with Jon Taylor - a special presentation about funding opportunities for short form series drama from IPF. Jon will be describing the funds and opportunities for Yukon filmmakers. Followed by an informal ALFF Industry social at Woodcutter's Blanket, 8:15-10pm.

February 8 - all day on Zoom

8:30 AM: Welcome! An introduction and overview of ALFF Industry 2023. An overview and introduction to ALFF Industry 2023 from producer Max Fraser. An opportunity to have your questions answered about what to expect during the next five days of industry sessions.

9:00-5:30 PM: Industry Presentations by decision-makers, festivals and public funders, including: CBC Drama, CBC Comedy, Indigenous Screen Office, Bell Fund, Telefilm Canada, National Film Board of Canada, Canada Media Fund, Knowledge Network, Northwestel Community TV, Documentary Organization of Canada, Hot Docs International FF, and Level Film.

February 9

9:00-11:00 AM: Zoom, DOC IGNITE Market Intelligence workshop - discussion on where to find funds and audience for your project.

12:00-1:00 PM: Old Fire Hall, Creator Talk - The Art of Polaris with Leslie Leon

1:30-3:30 PM: Zoom, DOC IGNITE From Treatment to Screen workshop - the steps needed to bring your picture from the page to a finished product.


February 10

9:00-10:00 AM: Old Fire Hall, Keynote Address - Joy Loewen, National Screen Institute

10:30 AM-12 PM: Old Fire Hall, Panel Discussion - Lifting Up Indigenous Screen Projects/Producers

1:00-2:30 PM: Zoom, 1 to 1 Meetings

2:30-4:00 PM: Old Fire Hall, IN-person 1 to 1 Meetings

February 11

9:00-10:30 AM: Old Fire Hall, VR, Games and App Case Study: Lofty Sky Entertainment’s Jason Loftus in conversation with Jayden Soroka (Outpost 31) - a rare look into the creation of award-winning animated documentary Eternal Spring and diving deep into the blending of 2D illustrations, animation and documentary.

1:00-2:15 PM: Old Fire Hall, Yukon Film and Media Production Status and Future

3:00-4:30 PM: Old Fire Hall, Submitting to Film Festivals - filmmakers and festival programmers


February 12

10:00-11:30 AM: Upstairs Old Firehall, Making Documentary Organization of Canada Work Better for the North.

Meet and visit with DOC National Executive Director Sarah Spring. Moderated by Suzanne Crocker. This session is to discuss feedback from a 2022 survey of Yukon DOC members as well as hear new input.  An opportunity to share ways that DOC National can better serve documentary makers in the North. Free event but seats are limited, please RSVP to 

1:00 PM: Old Fire Hall, ALFF Pitch Event. Public event. Everyone is welcome to attend to witness 6 filmmaking teams pitch their short film project to a jury of film professionals for the chance to win the ALFF Pitch Prize: $7500 in cash and $5000 in in-kind support from Northwestel Community TV and Yukon Film Society.

ALFF 2023 All Access Festival Pass, Online Passes, 10 Film and 5 Film Passes are currently on sale at:

ALFF 2023 Pricing:

All Access Pass – In Person Films: $240.00

All Access Pass – Online Films: $75.00

10 Film Pass – In Person Films: $140.00

5 Film Pass – In Person Films: $70.00

Industry Pass – In Person and Online Industry Events: $85.00

Industry Online Pass: $40.00

We have a limited number of complimentary sponsored Industry Passes for folks who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+ and/or women. Email for more information.

Interesting in volunteering at ALFF?

There are a variety of volunteer opportunities during the festival and folks can participate in as many ways as they would like. Volunteering = free films! We look forward to working with you during the festival. If you have any questions about volunteering, please email

For media or event inquiries, please contact Andrew Connors, ALFF festival director, at or 867-393-3456.

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