
- ALFF 2023 needs you! - SHORT TERM CONTRACTS!

September 12, 2022

Available Light Film Festival (ALFF) is hiring!

Like Films? Meeting friendly folks? Working on the biggest film festival in Canada north of the 60th parallel?

ALFF is looking for you! Join our team and help bring brilliant stories to our screens this February!


We are hiring for the following short-term contract positions:

  • Festival Producer
  • Hospitality Coordinator
  • Transportation Coordinator
  • ALFF Industry Conference Producer + ALFF Pitch Prize Coordinator
  • Guest Services and Production Support
  • FOH Technician: Live Music


Ideal candidates will have a valid driver’s license and be able to work both self-directed and as part of a team. For more detailed contract descriptions, please see below.

If you have interest in any of the positions listed, please provide us with a short cover letter outlining your interest and applicable skills for the position, along with a recent résumé to


Hospitality Coordinator:

Budget for this position: $1250 TBC


Beginning in January 2023 the ALFF Hospitality Coordinator will work under the direction of the ALFF Producer and directly oversee ALFF Hospitality volunteers. The ALFF Hospitality Coordinator will be available and attend ALFF production meetings as needed.


The ALFF Hospitality Coordinator will:


  • After payment for liquor is made, pick up the liquor or arrange with ALFF Producer and/or volunteer to pick up liquor.
  • Inventory Bar Supplies with YFS and purchase more if necessary.
  • Arrange for appropriate glassware for any satellite bars
  • Ensure liquor is delivered to satellite bars on time as determined by individual licensing agreements
  • Plan and purchase food and drinks, napkins, and serving dishes for:
  • Bar events: Lighter snacks like chips and dips for cabarets.
  • ALFF Industry conference daytime snacks, lunches and coffee breaks
  • Yukon Arts Centre Green room food and non-alcoholic drinks: Snacks like bagels, bread, cheese, veggie platter
  • Pick up food/beverage related donations
  • If there is time, request food sponsorships from grocery stores. Inform ALFF Producer, YFS Administrator and Industry Coordinator about any recognition requirements for food sponsors. (E.g. signs on tables.)
  • Retain and categorize receipts within allocated budget




Transportation Coordinator

Budget for this position: $2,000 TBC


Beginning in January 2023 the ALFF Transportation Coordinator will work under the direction of the ALFF Producer to provide ALFF transportation and oversee ALFF Transportation volunteers. For this purpose, ALFF Transportation Coordinator will be available to attend ALFF production meetings as needed.


ALFF Transportation Coordinator will:


  • Set up transportation hotline phone
  • Update volunteer driver binders with 2020 current information
  • Use Zonefest to confirm guest details and build volunteer schedules
  • Act as “first face” of the festival when greeting people at the airport 
  • Build a Volunteer Driving Schedule for Festival and Industry conference programming in consultation with Festival and Industry Producer
  • Operate transportation vehicles as main day time driver
  • Schedule volunteer transportation drivers for duration of all festival guests’ stay 
  • Act as liaison between Transportation volunteers and Festival Producer
  • Work with volunteers, Guest Services staff, and Yukon Arts Centre staff to provide courteous delivery of volunteer services, in specific relation to transportation, for Available Light Film Festival
  • Ensure that all volunteer drivers have current drivers licenses and provide photocopies of their licenses to Driving Force Vehicle Rentals
  • Ensure that rental vehicles are picked up and returned at scheduled times in good condition


ALFF Industry conference + Pitch Prize Coordinator

Budget for this position: $7500 TBC


Beginning in October 2022, ALFF Industry Conference and Pitch Prize Coordinator will work under the direction of the Industry Director. The ALFF Industry and Pitch Prize Coordinator will attend ALFF production meetings as needed.


Industry conference Coordinator will help the Festival Director organize and coordinate the Available Light Film Festival Industry conference 2020 events and presentations.


ALFF Industry conference Coordinator will:


  • Coordinate the ALFF Pitch call for submissions and ALFF Pitch Event in collaboration with Industry Director, ALFF Producer and ALFF Festival Director on Sunday Feb 2 at the Old Fire Hall
  • Coordinate the ALFF Industry conference with other festival staff
  • Communicate with and negotiate the participation of Industry conference guests
  • Work with the ALFF marketing team on promotion
  • Other incidental tasks as determined by Industry Director
  • Attend the ALFF Industry events, collect statistics and post photos and text on Twitter and Instagram during the events and share these posts with YFS Media coordinator


The work is based on a work term of 100 hours during the term of the contract. The Industry conference Coordinator is expected to work fairly regular hours over the course of the contract, with more time commitment between January 28 and February 10, 2020.


Industry conference Coordinator is expected to work between home office and the Yukon Film Society office. Expenses incurred by the Industry Coordinator in the course of the contract are subject to pre-approval by the Festival Director. Receipts must be submitted in a timely manner.


Guest Services and Production Support

Budget for this position: $1500 TBC


The Contractor will work under the direction of the YFS Festival Director and in collaboration with the ALFF Producer, ALFF Co-programmer and ALFF Industry Conference Director, and the Hospitality Coordinator.


The primary responsibility of the Contractor is to manage guest relations while also providing some support at the main venue (the Yukon Arts Centre.)  


Duties of the Contractor include but are not limited to:

On-call hours:

  • Be a hospitable and welcoming point person for guests
  • With Hospitality Coordinator, organize food for guests at the appropriate venues and times
  • Manage guest needs on site and in regard to travel arrangements
  • Manage updates and changes to itineraries
  • Manage complementary tickets for guests, including last minute ticket needs of high-profile guests
  • Disperse / confirm info about guest activities and schedules
  • Ensure an exceptional guest experience
  • Trouble-shoot at the Yukon Arts Centre
  • Help prepare guest packages

Set on-site hours at the Yukon Arts Centre include:

  • Working with the Producer to cover the daily 12-hour shift at Yukon Arts Centre
  • support during anticipated high-traffic screening times
  • Run meals or provide relief during meal and break times
  • Other support at venue as needed


FOH Technician: Music

Budget for this position: $1500 TBC


The FOH Technician: Music will work under the direction of the Festival Producer to perform the following tasks pertaining to the Available Light Film Festival & ALFF Industry 2020:


  • Advance Backline Specifications with Artists (shared jointly with Festival Producer)
  • Supervise load-in, set-up, changeovers and strike for Available Light Film Festival Performances
  • Supervise sound checks for and operate live sound mixing console at the Available Light Cabaret performances in satellite venue
  • Attend production meetings as requested by Festival Producer
  • Other related duties as directed by Festival Producer


The position is based on a work term of 24 hours, the majority of which fall between January 31 and Feb. 9, 2020.


Casual Projectionists

Budget for this position: $30/hour TBC


Under the direction of the Technical Coordinator: Cinema, Festival Director and YFS Technical Coordinator, Casual Projectionists will provide projection services at Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre, Yukon Arts Centre and the Yukon Theatre for Available Light Film Festival (ALFF), ALFF Industry conference and ALFF Encore screenings. This is an hourly position, filling in when extra projectionists are required.

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