
ALFF Audience Choice Awards 2019

February 8, 2019

YFS is pleased to announce the winners of the 2019 ALFF Audience Choice awards, sponsored by Super Channel. The ALFF audience choice for best CANADIAN FICTION film is The Grizzlies, directed by Miranda De Pencier and produced by Aleathea Arnaquq-Baril and Stacey Aglok MacDonald. The ALFF audience choice award for best CANADIAN DOCUMENTARY is This Mountain Life, directed by Grant Baldwin and produced by Jen Rustemeyer. This Mountain Life was also the overall ALFF PEOPLE'S CHOICE WINNER! Thank you to all the filmmakers who presented work at ALFF 2019! Here are the top 20 ALFF audience favourites: 1. This Mountain Life 2. The Grizzlies 3. How to Bee 4. Woman At War 5. Finding Big Country 6. Woman Who Loves Giraffes 7. The Song and the Sorrow 8. Beautiful Boy 9. Warrior Women 10. Minding the Gap 11. A Colony 12. This is Congo 13. Distant Barking of Dogs 14. C3 Canada: A Voyage 15. Shoplifters 16. The Silver Branch 17. What is Democracy? 18. When the Storm Fades 19. NXNW: Yukon Short Films 20. Three Feathers

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